Join us for a quick 30 minute webinar on “Making Glass Come to Life: The Principles of Glass Selection”.
Presenter: Reece Poth, Guardian Glass
Presentation Overview: The presentation reviews the foundations of glass selection and explores options for meeting both aesthetic and performance goals. Covering the glass manufacturing process and the basics of performance measurement, it also provides an overview of float and coated glass choices—and related fabrication decisions—that can affect the final appearance of the glass façade.
Discussion points include:
• How all the parts of a glass façade work together to meet project vision and goals.
• Glass composition and low-E coatings affect aesthetics and performance.
• Identify important design considerations for glass substrates and low-E coatings.
• Recognize the ways fabricated glass can affect building aesthetics and performance.
Date: Tuesday, November 8
Time: 11am PST
Location: Zoom
RSVP Required. To RSVP, please email Deveney Pula at